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Olibanum resin: a treasure trove of aromatherapy and spirituality

Olibanum resin

Olibanum: History and spiritual traditions

Olibanum has played a significant role in history and spiritual traditions throughout the centuries. This resin has been used in religious rituals and spiritual practices for its sacred and purifying character. Its historical and spiritual significance, as well as its modern use in aromatherapy, make frankincense a precious treasure of spirituality and well-being.

Frankincense: History and use over the centuries

From ancient Egypt to the present day, frankincense has occupied a privileged place in cultures and rituals. Whether for purifying sacred spaces, meditation or relaxation, frankincense continues to be a precious aromatic resource.

Olibanum resin in aromatherapy

Olibanum resin offers a variety of uses in aromatherapy, allowing you to enjoy its therapeutic benefits in different ways. Here are just some of the popular ways to use Olibanum in aromatherapy:

- Fumigation: The traditional method consists of placing frankincense crystals on a burning charcoal or stone heated to incandescence. This practice produces a soothing aromatic smoke, ideal for meditation and air purification.

- Diluted in a bath: Adding a few drops of Olibanum essential oil to hot bath water creates a relaxing bath, promoting muscle relaxation.

- Incorporated into cosmetics: Olibanum can be incorporated into creams, balms, oriental perfumes and other homemade cosmetics to benefit from its beneficial properties for skin and mind.

- Massage: Olibanum essential oil can be diluted in a vegetable oil and used for soothing massages. This relieves muscular tension, promotes relaxation and improves general well-being.

- In chewing gum: Some people use Olibanum in chewing gum form to enjoy its refreshing fragrance and oral health benefits.

- For decoration: Olibanum crystals can be placed in a dish or added to potpourri to create a fragrant ambience in the environment.

It's important to note that frankincense resin is soluble only in 90° alcohol and emulsions. As a result, it is preferable to use it with compatible supports for better diffusion of its aromatic properties. To preserve its full effectiveness, we recommend keeping Olibanum resin away from heat, air and light. In this way, you can take full advantage of its therapeutic virtues and enchanting aroma to enhance your well-being and your spirit.

The virtues of frankincense :

Spirituality and psychological well-being Frankincense is renowned for its spiritual and psychological virtues. Here are a few remarkable aspects:

Use in religious and spiritual practices :

Frankincense is used in various religious traditions for its sacred properties. Its smoke is considered a means of communication with the divine, and it is commonly used in ceremonies, rituals and prayers. Its soothing aroma can promote a state of recollection and spiritual connection.

Effects on meditation and concentration :

Frankincense is often used in meditation sessions to create an environment conducive to concentration and introspection. Its fragrance soothes the mind, promotes mental clarity and helps release unnecessary thoughts, facilitating meditation and contemplation.

Influence on mood and emotions:

The aroma of frankincense has a calming effect on the emotions and can help reduce stress, anxiety and feelings of depression. It is also known to promote inner peace, joy and spiritual upliftment.

Reputation as a purifying and protective incense:

In many cultures, frankincense is used to purify spaces and create a harmonious atmosphere. It is also believed to protect against negative influences and bad vibrations.

In conclusion, frankincense resin is not just an aromatic substance; it's a precious ally for physical and mental well-being, as well as a connection to the sacred. At Real and Roots, we are proud to offer 100% natural Omani frankincense resin, an authentic, high-quality product for those seeking to enrich their lives through aromatherapy and spirituality.